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Animal Wisdom * My Animals Are Thankful

We wrote this around Thanksgiving and forgot to post it on the blog.

It is timeless. Gratitude should be everlasting.

Here my animals talk about what they are thankful for:


Stormy (11-year-old Aussie): “I am thankful for Tina and how she gives me a bath. I like to be clean. I am thankful for my new herbal doctor because his herbs are making my stomach feel better. I am thankful for the cool air of this season.”


Makia (15-year-old cat): “I am thankful that each day I am still alive. I am a little afraid to die. I am thankful that you take the time to brush me. I am thankful for Lynda and how she takes care of us when you are not home. I am thankful that I have a warm bed to sleep on and I am thankful that Judy comes to clean the windows because it is so much nicer to look out a clean window than a dirty one.”

Joey Joe

Joey: (16-year-old cat): “I am thankful for medicine that makes my thyroid better and that you take the time to give it to me. I am thankful for all the new toys you have bought us. I am thankful that I can still play and that I have a safe home to live at. I am thankful that there is love in the world, because if there wasn’t, we would all be sad.”


Serafina (10-year-old cat): “I am thankful for all the energy I have. I am thankful I have a healthy body and I am thankful that I have the ability to choose not to fight when another cat wants to. I realize that if I stop interacting with the other cat then the fight usually doesn’t happen. I am thankful for the birds that come to the yard and the rodents that live under the oak tree. They give me something to watch all day long. Can I be thankful for hummingbirds? Because I think they bring us good luck.”

"The Beans"

Bean (four-year-old bunny): “I am thankful for carrot tops and being let out of my pen. I am thankful that I am so big the owls don’t want to eat me. I am thankful that I have eyes to see when there is danger outside, and thankful that I have a home that loves me and wants me to be happy. I wonder if the farmer who grows my carrot tops is a happy person? I wonder this because he makes such good food he should be proud of himself. I am also thankful for the woman who supplies us with my sweet treats and for Gloria who gives me hay. I have friends everywhere.”

Maia Resting The Day Before Her Passing

Maia (wolf-dog in heaven): “I am thankful that I have surpassed all the dark dimensions and thankful I will be reborn a wiser soul. Some spirits are not thankful, just like some humans. The more thankful you are the more pure your spirit is. Being thankful is a feeling that even here you sometimes have to remember. I am thankful for the meditative state. It is there that I rest. I am thankful for that kind of rest because it is there that my soul grows. I am thankful that my mom still remembers me. We in heaven know when we are remembered with love.”

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