The Pet Psychic®

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Galahad says, “You know that old man I didn’t like.  He is sick inside.  I just didn’t want to catch it.  He is sick around his groin and lungs.  He is not healthy.  He also is not a good listener.”

It always amazes me what animals can perceive.  It turns out that the man that Galahad is talking about has had a few hernia surgeries and at the time Galahad saw the man he had a cold.  Sometimes the animals see colors around sick parts of our body or they smell a different or foul odor coming form an individual.  Sometimes this frightens the animals and they become worried that they may get sick or that the people are dangerous.  When this is not always so.  This can also happens between other animals in the house.  Sometimes I will hear that an animal attacks a another animal for “no apparent” reason.  Sometimes the animal that was attacked has cancer or another sickness.

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