Kona says, “I like to play a lot and Wyatt (older dog in house) is my best friend because he tells me when I should be scared and when I should be brave.”
Kona says, “I like to play a lot and Wyatt (older dog in house) is my best friend because he tells me when I should be scared and when I should be brave.”
Maggie May says, “I have seen a human spirit before. I have seen a man. Sometimes he is next to dad and he says to him, ‘son, you have made me proud and I smile for you.’ He said something to me once about a tractor, but I just told him he is a
Stormy, my Australian shepherd, 12.5 years young, would like to write this week’s article. Stormy is very wise. Here is what he wants to say to you: “Lately, my mom and I have been trying to heal me. I have something inside of me that I would rather not have. I have to tell you
Stormy Believes In Miracle Healings Read More »
On this weeks show: Ai tells the story of an old woman and a parrot, Moo Cow the guinea pig is passing away, Ramsey and Sparkle the Shihtzus talk about their life together, Our rescue Karen Klingberg of Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center http://www.santapaulaarc.org and Sparcky, the gsd scared of men, and then stormy’s words
Pet Psychic Radio 05-24-12 Read More »
Diggity Doo says, “Of course I have something I want to say. Mom, when you have trouble with a friend, what you should do is think about it and then imagine going to the bathroom and getting rid of it. I think about the best way to get rid of something is flushing it
On this weeks show: Ai and Ripley are working it out, dead snoodle talks about heaven, a growling dog, Laura’s parakeet story, cat update, tortoise speaks from heaven, and more… Our rescue guest: Susan Tellman from American Tortoise Rescue http://www.tortoise.com 30765 Pacific Coast Hwy #243 malibu, CA 90265 Visit their website to learn about World
Pet Psychic Radio 05-17-12 Read More »
Sunny says, “I think what would be good for mom (person) is to just believe in herself. I believe I am a strong warrior and maybe she could believe that she is a strong growing soul. She is beautiful. I love my sister cat too. She is really wise. Often I ask her questions. She
Touching Story by Weekly World News All creatures deserve compassion. The Bull Who Cried: Knowing it was about to be slaughtered, a bull in Hong Kong did what many people fail to realize or are skeptic about when it comes to animals – he showed emotion. As reported by a World News Source”, a group
The Bull Who Cried Read More »
Rudy says, “Can I tell my mom something when she sat me down and she told me that I need to listen to the other dogs and go to the bathroom where they go I understood her. I have been going outside cause I learned. At my old home my person she had anxiety. She
Tito says, “I get bored in my neighborhood and when I am out in another neighborhood I am excited to see everything that is out there and I also like all the new smells. “