
The Pet Psychic®

animal consciousness

Luca’s Neutering – Pre and Post Operation Conversation

  I decided to tell Luca, my 10-month-old poodle, that he was going to be neutered the following morning. “Tomorrow,” I said while creating images in my mind, “we are going to take you to the veterinarian’s. They will take you into the back room. You will probably go into a silver cage that reflects […]

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ATLANTA 10/07/11!

Hi my friends, If you are interested: Here are the links to hear and watch me in Atlanta.  10/07/11  🙂 Q100’s The Bert Show – Radio with audio and pictures:  Click Here ——————— Video of CBS morning news with Weather Man Justin Lock and his dog Maia:  Click Here 10/08/11 11am -2pm Join Yogli Mogli

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Voice Of A Laboratory Chimpanzee

There are an estimated 2,000 chimps held in captivity in the United States. These chimps are used for entertainment, invasive biomedical research, and as exotic pets. More often than not the chimps suffer in these environments. I have contacted one anonymous chimpanzee. Here we will call her Faith. Faith lived for 20-plus years at a biomedical

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