Tobe is 3.5 years old. He says after our session, “That was a lot of talking and I learned a lot.”
Tobe is 3.5 years old. He says after our session, “That was a lot of talking and I learned a lot.”
Chance is 5 years old. He says, “I want home fed food that dad loves. Dad’s favorite foods.” (dad is a human).
Malcolm says, “You know what we can talk about we can talk about allowing me outside. I feel like if I was able to go outside my world and my mind would be much more intelligent and vast. Kelly (other cat in house) rubs it in. She is always saying that I cannot go outside
Great show today! We talk to a cat about adding a dog to the family, a hamster about his person and if they had a past life together, a poodle mix about her separation anxiety, a feral cat about having hair mats shaved off her fur, our rescue dog about her pain level and our
Pet Psychic Radio 12/06/11 Read More »
My animal family and I have temporarily moved into the house of a good friend of mine while she resides in Washington for two months. We are overwhelmed with her kindness and her generosity. Here my animals briefly share their experiences of our new living situation, and send Tita a little message. Stormy (Aussie Dog): “This
Happy Thanksgiving Readers! It was the night before Thanksgiving, at ten years old, that I declared to my family, “I am a vegetarian”. Thanksgiving is special to me because it was the first time in my life that I voiced my love of animals and my dedication to relieving animals of their suffering. Here my
Four-year old Carmello says, “Yes I ate a little bit of a gopher. I ate the good parts. I leave the feet the head and I also leave the slimy middle part. I eat a lot of the hair.”
My animals offer well wishes to my friend who is battling cancer. For the sake of this article, we will call him E. Stormy, the 14-year-old Aussie, says, “I want to tell E that all day long we think of him. He is always in our minds and hearts. We and many others have been lighting
Well Wishes From My Animals Read More »
Another great show today! On this show we talk to a Chihuahua about why he doesn’t like to be picked up, a dog about his aggression, a woman who can not afford to get her parrot back from boarding, our rescue guest Crystal Kinham of and her adoptable pot belly big Pumba, and always
Pet Psychic Radio 11/17/11 Read More »
We had a great show today! Laura’s Animals give well wishes to their human friend battling cancer, we talk to two poodles about how they are getting along, a pitt bull about not chasing and eating the family rabbit, a little dog that looks like a wolf about staying in their yard & more including
Pet Psychic Radio 11/10/11 Read More »